
Secluded Equestrian & Hobby Farm Dream Home in Whitby

If you grew up with the dream of one day owning your own horse farm, then this 15 acre equestrian centre and custom, 4 level home could be the opportunity of a lifetime95 Townline Rd East in Whitby Ontario is beautifully situated in a forested ravine that feeds in expansive green acreage over the property.  Check-out this amazing property before it's gone.






Master CAD Plan Drawing Conversion from your Commercial Real-Estate Blueprints

Chances are, anyone buying commercial real-estate will be examining in detail the potential use of properties floor-space, inside and out.  Envisioning the potential future use of the commercial space plays a big part in the current perceived value of the property.

To ensure the property will be able to serve the commercial needs of the client, very often a renovation will be required.  Renovations of any significant scale will require detailed planning, design, quotes, permits, etc.

To aid in the buyers ability to envision, plan and implement the required change post-sale, blue-prints of the current building structure are essential.

paper blueprint converted to CAD drawing plan

But taking it one step further in a competitive commercial real-estate market, the availability of digital CAD drawing files, (typically DWG format), to the prospective buyer, would be hugely valuable in aiding their future planning & implementation for the new space. Having he blue prints converted to master CAD drawings, (a paper to digital CAD conversion), would allow them to be readily accessible, exchanged, and most importantly modifiable.  This format would server the purpose of Architects, Engineers, City Planners, Designers, etc. 

A scan, (static image or PDF) format of the blueprint will show the current or original space layout, but is not modifiable or workable in any fashion.  It's fixed and can not be changed.  If the blueprint is original building of the commercial space, it may be out of date and need to be updated to the current architectural floor plan to be a true & fair representation of the property as it's currently listed for sale.

There are many companies that offer such a paper to CAD services.  Sadly, many of the conversions are done via canned OCR software that barely produces a usable master CAD plans in DWG CAD drawing format.  For maximum usable value from the digital asset, a true drawing conversion service is needed.

DCM Inc. The Drawing Specialists
Sample image courtesy of DCM Inc. - The Drawing Specialists
DCM Inc. offers an industry best drawing conversion service to turn paper to CAD in quick turn-around times & competitive pricing.  With usable master CAD plans available, planning and making use of the listed space is made much easier.  The drawing conversion service is an absolute necessity one way or another, as the buyer proceeds to implement renovations to the space.  Availability of these drawings will directly reduce their move-in and total cost of ownership on taking over the new property.